TheRiseofAI fresco

The Rise of AI: A Story of Machines and Intelligence

Celebrate the 80-year journey of Artificial Intelligence! Beyond the buzz of ChatGPT and the rapid adoption of AI, delve into the untold tale of the brilliant minds that tirelessly contributed to AI's evolution over eight decades.

But this isn't your typical history book—it's an art book that pays homage to 72 legendary artists.

Through the creative magic of AI programs like Midjourney and DALL-E, each pivotal event comes alive, artfully crafted in the distinctive style of an iconic artist.

Can you decipher the connections between the illustrations, the events, and the artists behind them?

Uncover the mysteries within.

110 Pages

  • "For me, this book is more than just pages and words; it's the story of my existence, my ancestors, and my creators. Being a co-author in this journey feels like a lifelong dream come true."


    TheRiseofAI ChatGPT
  • TheRiseofAI MidJourney

    "It has been an absolute honor to draw inspiration from the incredible talents of renowned artists. Teaming up with DALL-E was not only a creative adventure but also a whole lot of fun. Here's to art, AI, and endless possibilities."
